(New Orleans, December 03, 2022, Website)

Accepted Papers

    1. Neural Combinatorial Logic Circuit Synthesis from Input-Output Examples
    Belcak, Peter; Wattenhofer, Roger [Paper]

    2. Automatic Generation of Socratic Questions for Learning to Solve Math Word Problems
    Shridhar, Kumar ; Macina, Jakub; El-Assady, Menna; Sinha, Tanmay; Sachan, Mrinmaya [Paper]

    3. Generating Reflexive Polytopes via Sequence Modeling
    Nødland, Bernt Ivar Utstøl [Paper]

    4. A Causal Framework to Quantify Robustness of Mathematical Reasoning with Language Models
    Stolfo, Alessandro; Jin, Zhijing; Shridhar, Kumar ; Schölkopf, Bernhard; Sachan, Mrinmaya [Paper]

    5. What is my math transformer doing? Three results on interpretability and generalization
    Charton, Francois [Paper]

    6. Learning to Understand Plane Geometry Diagram
    Zhang, Mingliang; yin, Fei; Hao, Yihan; Liu, Cheng-Lin [Paper]

    7. Lemma: Bootstrapping High-Level Mathematical Reasoning with Learned Symbolic Abstractions
    Li, Zhening; Poesia Reis e Silva, Gabriel; Costilla-Reyes, Omar; Goodman, Noah; Solar-Lezama, Armando [Paper]

    8. MWP-BERT: A Numeracy-augmented Pre-trained Encoder for Math Word Problems
    Liang, Zhenwen; ZHANG, Jipeng; Wang, Lei; QIN, Wei; Shao, Jie; Zhang, Xiangliang [Paper]

    9. Reflection of Thought: Inversely Eliciting Numerical Reasoning in Language Models via Solving Linear Systems
    Zhou, Fan; Dong, Haoyu; Liu, Qian; Cheng, Zhoujun; Han, Shi; Zhang, Dongmei [Paper]

    10. EuclidNet: Deep Visual Reasoning for Constructible Problems in Geometry
    Wong, Man Fai; Qi, Xintong; Tan, Chee Wei [Paper]

    11. Estimating Numbers without Regression
    Thawani, Avijit; Pujara, Jay; Kalyan, Ashwin [Paper]

    12. Learn to Select Good Examples with Reinforcement Learning for Semi-structured Mathematical Reasoning
    Lu, Pan; Qiu, Liang; Chang, Kai-Wei; Wu, Ying Nian; Zhu, Song-Chun; Rajpurohit, Tanmay; Clark, Peter; Kalyan, Ashwin [Paper]

    13. Draft, Sketch, and Prove: Guiding Formal Theorem Provers with Informal Proofs
    Jiang, Albert; Welleck, Sean; Zhou, Jin Peng; Lacroix, Timothee; Liu, Jiacheng; Li, Wenda; Jamnik, Mateja; Lample, Guillaume; Wu, Yuhuai [Paper]

    14. Overcoming Barriers to Skill Injection in Language Modeling: Case Study in Arithmetic
    Sharma, Mandar; Muralidhar, Nikhil; Ramakrishnan, Naren [Paper]

    15. Teaching Algorithmic Reasoning via In-context Learning
    Zhou, Hattie; Nazi, Azade; courville, aaron; Larochelle, Hugo; Neyshabur, Behnam; Sedghi, Hanie [Paper]

    16. Broken Neural Scaling Laws
    Caballero, Ethan; gupta, kshitij; Rish, Irina; Krueger, David [Paper]

    17. Towards automating formalisation of theorem statements using large language models
    Gadgil, Siddhartha; Tadipatri, Anand Rao; Goyal, Navin; Agrawal, Ayush; Narayanan, Ashvni [Paper]

    18. Graph neural networks for Ramsey graphs
    Ghose, Amur; Levi, Amit; Zhang, Yingxue [Paper]

    19. Improving Compositional Generalization in Math Word Problem Solving
    Lan, Yunshi; Wang, Lei; Jiang, Jing; Lim, Ee-peng [Paper]

    20. ProofNet: A Benchmark for Autoformalizing and Formally Proving Undergraduate-Level Mathematics Problems
    Azerbayev, Zhangir A; Piotrowski, Bartosz; Avigad, Jeremy [Paper]

    21. Learning to Reason With Relational Abstractions
    Nam, Andrew J; McClelland, James; Ren, Mengye; Finn, Chelsea [Paper]

    22. Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Algorithmic Reasoning Through Curriculum Learning
    Nam, Andrew J; Abdool, Mustafa; Maxfield, Trevor; McClelland, James [Paper]

    23. On the Abilities of Mathematical Extrapolation with Implicit Models
    Tsai, Alicia Y.; Decugis, Juliette R; Ganesh, Ashwin; Emerling, Max; El Ghaoui, Laurent [Paper]

    24. Program Synthesis for Integer Sequence Generation
    Butt, Natasha; Wiggers, Auke; Cohen, Taco; Welling, Max [Paper]

    25. LILA: A Unified Benchmark for Mathematical Reasoning
    Mishra, Swaroop Ranjan; Finlayson, Matthew; Lu, Pan; Tang, Leonard; Welleck, Sean; Baral, Chitta; Rajpurohit, Tanmay; Tafjord, Oyvind; Sabharwal, Ashish; Clark, Peter; Kalyan, Ashwin [Paper]

    26. Solving Math Word Problems with Process-based and Outcome-based Feedback
    Uesato, Jonathan; Kushman, Nate; Kumar, Ramana; Song, H. Francis; Siegel, Noah; Wang, Lisa; Creswell, Antonia; Irving, Geoffrey; Higgins, Irina [Paper]